Frequently Asked Questions

What is the cost of the course?

The cost of the course in your aircraft is $5699.00. This cost includes unlimited flight and ground instruction, unlimited use of our redbird simulator, a dedicated CFII for the entirety of your course, and all course material. If you choose to utilize one of our aircraft, we estimate 20 hours of use. This would be estimated at $8999.00 total. Housing, food, transportation, DPE cost and any other expenses would be in addition to the cost of the course.

What materials are provided?

Once you schedule the course we will send you an EZ IFR kit! This Includes foggles, ACS standards, Oral exam guide, study guide, and a pilot workshop IFR manual. IF you are familiar with these items you will be greatly prepared for the course.

How long does the course take?

Our accelerated IFR course is scheduled for 6 days. 5 full days of training, and a check ride on the 6th day.

What is the schedule each day?

Each day is scheduled to start at 8am and finish around 5pm. This can be altered with confirmation from your CFII. You can work together for a schedule that works best for you.  The first half of the day is completed in our redbird flight simulator, the second half is completed in the aircraft. 

What happens in the event of an unsuccessful check ride?

While we never anticipate an unfavorable outcome, it happens. 2 extra days of instruction are available to you free of charge in the event of a re-check being required.

Do you have in-house DPE’s?

Our examiners are not in house; however they work very closely with us. We provide enough notice so they are flexible in the event there is a schedule change. 

What housing is available to students attending EZ IFR? 

We have special rates worked out with local hotels and airbnb’s. Below are links to both of these options.

Hampton Suites


What needs to be completed prior to arriving?

Before beginning our course, the following prerequisites must be completed. 

-Completed written test

-40 Hours of Cross Country PIC

-10 Hours of simulated instrument 

-Current Medical

-IFR rated aircraft (if using your own)

What happens if training is delayed due to weather or other reasons?

While we do our very best to complete the training in the allotted time, on very rare occasions training is delayed due to situations beyond our control. In these instances, we will do our very best to complete the training as quickly as possible. 

What is your pass rate?

Our owner and creator is an airline pilot who has built a career from helping other pilots be proficient but not waste time. We have had countless people complete our program with over a 95% success rate.

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